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Little Hallingbury


20th October 2023






Evie for having a great attitude in Maths. Evie has challenged herself well and has made great progress when add and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s to a given number. Well done.


Kelsie for showing a fantastic attitude to learning this week. She has been spotted independently practicing her reading, spellings and has been ready to learn during all adult directed sessions too. Well done Kelsie, keep it up!


Zack for showing heaps of confidence in lessons and hard work in the mornings and spellings. Zack sets a wonderful example to other children in school. Well done Zack!


Noah for his independent diary writing. Noah used his plan well to help him structure his writing and tried hard to improve his joined-up handwriting. Well done.

Phoebe for her hard work throughout all areas of the curriculum. She has displayed excellent place value skills in Maths and never gives up! Her work is always beautifully presented, and she has been setting good example to others.


William for always having such a positive attitude towards school life and giving each lesson his very best, especially in Maths. I am so impressed with William’s improvement, the strategies he uses to solve calculations and the enthusiasm to share it with his friends. Keep it up William!










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