Payment for the week in advance should be made on Monday mornings. The cost will be £2.20 per meal: payment should be sent to school in a named, sealed envelope stating the amount enclosed and the days on which meals are required and should be handed to the class teacher at morning registration. Payments in advance are welcome and cheques should be made payable to Essex County Council. Cash payments are preferred for amounts under £10, you can also pay by School Money our online payment system. Please see letter below.
Remember your child is entitled to a free meal every day if they are in Class 1 or Class 2. You do not need to fill in any forms, just read the menu and let your child choose.
If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please apply either through the school office or online ECC re School Meals.
If your child becomes unwell during the school day and needs to be at home, we will make every effort to contact parents or named contacts. For this reason, please ensure that home telephone numbers, mobile numbers and work numbers are kept up to date by sending in any changes to the school office. Please also advise of any allergies that may develop, or medical conditions.
It is the school’s policy not to administer medication unless a parental agreement is in place. Please contact the School Office for a copy of this document.
Information about trips or events is sent home via Parentmail, so please ensure we have your up to date email address. Should you wish to receive a paper copy please contact the school office.
Information is also regularly shared via the website. Please check your child's class page or for whole of school events the homepage or ‘Calendar’ section for details.
We also use ‘Parentmail’ for urgent information sharing and reminders, parents are therefore encouraged to share their e-mail addresses with the school so they can facilitate this method of communication.
Don’t forget that for Educational Visits the school now offers a packed lunch for the usual cost of a school dinner. Details of when this should be ordered with the school office will be advised before the trip.
Each meal costs £2.20. Payment can be by cash for a week, or cheque for a fortnight or more. Cheques should be made out to Essex County Council. Please put all payments in an envelope with your child’s name and “Dinner Money” on it. Or payment can be made by School Money the online payment system, see below.
In addition the local authority lists all school closures on its website:
Emergency School Closures
Please note that closures will no longer be broadcast on local radio.
What do I do if I would like paper copies of items on the website?
Not a problem, just contact the school office, let us know what you need and we will arrange that for you.