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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak




We aim to treat all children in the school fairly and equally and it is our belief that a school uniform eliminates problems of competitiveness over fashionable clothes and assists children in seeing that everyone is of equal worth.

Our uniform is designed to be practical both in and out of school and children are expected to be suitably dressed for both indoor and outdoor activities. 


The governors have agreed to a uniform change from September 2023 - we will be removing the school tie from our uniform and introducing white polo shirts instead of button up shirts.  Our uniform will be as follows:


Standard White Shirt/Polo ShirtStandard White Shirt/Polo Shirt
Royal Blue V neck  sweatshirtRoyal Blue V neck
sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey trousers or shortsGrey skirt, trousers, shorts or pinafore dress
Black shoes (not trainers)Black shoes (not trainers)
White or grey socksWhite or grey socks or tights
Royal Blue Book bagRoyal blue gingham dress (for summer)
 Royal Blue Book bag
PE KitPE Kit
Gold t-shirtGold t-shirt
Royal blue shortsRoyal blue shorts
Plain dark jogging bottoms in cold weatherPlain dark jogging bottoms in cold weather
Plimsolls or trainersPlimsolls or trainers
Drawstring BagDrawstring Bag
*For football, boots or training shoes are needed.

A number of items such as the sweatshirt with the school logo, PE kit and book bags can be obtained through the School Trends website see the link below.  You can order from them directly and have the items delivered to your home.  Simply search for our school on the website and order your items. 

We are also collecting good quality pre-loved uniform items to sell.


Hair and Jewellery

It should be noted that it is not acceptable for children to have extreme haircuts for school. Hair should not be coloured; and long hair must be tied up with plain hair ties, scrunchies or headbands.

Nail varnish and jewellery are not permissible during the school day.

In the case of pierced ears, small plain studs or sleepers may be worn.

In line with County and National guidance children are not allowed to wear jewellery during PE lessons, games or swimming lessons,  so earrings must be removed. For Health and Safety reasons the taping of newly pierced ears is not allowed. The advice for children is to plan to have their ears pierced at the start of the summer holidays.


School Trends Website click here: School Trends


Any questions, please do ask.

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