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Hatfield Broad Oak

Sports News

USSP Challenges

Congratulations to George M for winning the Silver medal in the year 5 1k Run Challenge and Isabella Pleasance for winning Silver in the year 6 'Around the World' Challenge. Well done to both of you and everyone who took part in the challenges.


The new competition from USSP is the Skipping Challenge. How many times can you skip in 1 minute? Full details can be found below and on DB Primary. 

Fitness Fun February

Can you be active for the 28 days of February?
















Print out the calendar below and fill it with as many activities as you can throughout the month, there is also a handy list of free activities to try to get you started. Good luck! 

HBO Sports Update - Spring 2021


Entering Lockdown again means that keeping the children physically active is crucially important, and the school is working to ensure there are many ways for the children to engage in exercise. The children have PE lessons scheduled each week, where teachers will provide different ideas for ways of getting active.


We have also started our interactive PE lessons across the federation, run by KAS via Zoom. These have proved very popular with the children so far. Please contact the office if you need the Zoom details for these live lessons.


USSP are also running a weekly physical challenge competition. This will be explained to the children each week on a DB Primary topic and sent home to parents and carers via Parentmail. The children complete the challenge and enter their results either directly to USSP via email, or to Mrs Gilbey on DB Primary to be part of the Uttlesford wide competition. The first of these challenges was the 1km Run, the results of which should be available soon but I would like to say a huge well done to all of you who took part.

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