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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak

10k Race Committee

What is the 10K race?

The biggest fundraiser for the PTA&F is the annual HBO 10K Road Race and children’s fun run. Organised by a sub-committee of PTA members and volunteers from the village, the race is now one of the most popular events in the South East of England, attracting 1500 runners nationwide. It is fully licensed by UK Athletics and has been designated as a Gold Grade race by the British Association of Road Races (BARR). The atmosphere on the day is simply fantastic! 


How much does the race raise?

The PTA's involvement in the organisation of the race means we get an amazing 70% of the profits! The race generates thousands of pounds for St Mary's every year and this is why your help is so important.


In 2022 we received a donation of £14000 from the 10k race and over the last 10 years it has raised a massive amounts of money for the school!


What should you do?

Support the race in any way that you can and as often as you can. The race committee are always looking for people to join them and there are many other ways in which you can help too such as;

  • Being a race day marshal
  • Sponsoring the race
  • Handing out race packs
  • Sharing on social media and help promote the race
  • Offer your skills/talent/muscle/time
  • Help with set up and take down
  • Asking how you can help


Just one of these suggestions makes a huge difference to the committee and will be gratefully received. Full details of the 10k race, more on how you can be involved and how to get in touch can be found at 

Thank you







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