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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak

17th November 2023


Carter - for coming into school with confidence



Lucian - for showing enthusiasm in learning his part in the Christmas show.
Jackson - for working hard in all subject areas
Teddy B - for great improvement in his reading
Woody - for reading with feeling and expression


Ross - for pushing himself and improving in English
Grace - for pushing herself in Maths
Darci - for pushing herself in Maths
Arianna  & Okia- for representing the school in Church on Remembrance Sunday


'Kindness & Friendship Cup' - Florence


The House with the most House points this week: Barrington


Within each House the child with the most points and voted by House Captain is: 


De Vere - Jackson

Forest - Okia

Regis - Suede

Barrington - Martha

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