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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak

5th January 2024


Evelyn - for always being helpful in class



Emmie - for concentrating and answering questions in Maths
Lucian - for all his reading during the holidays
Albie - for good listening and remembering in his lessons


Owls - watch next week!


'Kindness & Friendship Cup' - watch next week!


The House with the most House points this week: Barrington & Forest


Within each House the child with the most points and voted by House Captain is: 


De Vere - Toby F

Forest - Joseph

Regis - Bowie

Barrington - Emmie


Gold Behaviour Award winners for Autumn Term:

for Woodpeckers - Amelia
for Wrens - Teddy S
for Owls - Eve

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