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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak

8th December 2023


All Woodpeckers for all the hard work put into rehearsals, and for being so brave and confident in the show! It was a pleasure to watch!



All Wrens for their amazing performance of 'The Late Angel - the angel who nearly missed it all!'


Lincoln - for thinking of others and being an excellent example of a St Mary's Child

Ross - for working hard, pushing himself and working independently on his topic work

Frida - for working hard, pushing herself and producing amazing topic work


'Kindness & Friendship Cup' - Martha


The House with the most House points this week: Barrington


Within each House the child with the most points and voted by House Captain is: 


De Vere - Charlie M

Forest - Aalayah

Regis - Annabelle

Barrington - Eve


Visitors 1 2 2 1 8 4