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Little Hallingbury



Admission Arrangements for 2023/24

Little Hallingbury is a Church of England, Voluntary Aided Primary School which serves the catchment area of the parishes of Great and Little Hallingbury. Subject to our published number of 20, children of parents living in the above parishes would normally be offered a place at our school. Any child for whom the school is named in a Statement of Special Educational Needs would be offered a place at our school.





The deadline is 15th January 2023 for the September 2023 intake.


Subject to availability of places, it is the policy of the Governors to admit the children of all parents who opt for their children to be educated at this school.

Children are admitted subject to the criteria below, in agreement with the Local Authority. In the event of there being more applicants than places available, the Governors will apply the following criteria in this priority order.

  1. Looked after children *
  2. Children living in the catchment area of the parishes of Great and Little Hallingbury (a map is available on request from the School) with brothers or sisters on roll who will continue to be at the school in the next academic year i.e. not in Year 6, as defined in the Primary Education in Essex booklet.
  3. Other children living in the catchment area of the parishes of Great and Little Hallingbury.
  4. Children living outside the catchment area of the parishes of Great and Little Hallingbury with brothers or sisters on roll who will continue to be at the school in the next academic year i.e. not in Year 6, as defined in the Primary Education in Essex booklet.
  5. Children of parents on the Church Electoral Roll of St Mary’s, Little Hallingbury or St Giles’, Great Hallingbury.
  6. Children who have medical, pastoral or social reasons for attending this school supported by professional evidence indicating why this is the only suitable school for them.
  7. Children whose parents, although worshipping in another faith or denomination, wish them to attend a Christian school. The Priest or Minister in Charge will confirm that the family are active members of their worshipping community (i.e. attending at least once a month).
  8. All other applications.


* A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.  A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989).


For consideration under criteria 5 to 7 a Supplementary Information Form is required (See the PDF document for the Form below)

These criteria will also apply for mid-year admissions, given the school’s maximum capacity.

In the event of oversubscription a waiting list will be held for the Reception Year until the end of the Autumn Term.


All applications, including late applications, will be handled in accordance with the co-ordinated admissions scheme published by Essex County Council in the Primary Education in Essex booklet.

In the event of a ‘tie break’ situation those living closest will be given the highest priority, as defined in the Primary Education in Essex booklet.


If the Governors refuse an admission the parents are given the right of appeal – details of the Appeals Procedure are available from the School Office.


Early Years Admissions
The Governing Body will admit all children who will attain the age of 5 during an academic year.  As required by law, this school provides for the full-time admission of all children offered a place in the reception year group as a single intake in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents have a statutory right for their child to take up a full time place in the September following their fourth birthday.


Option to defer
However, parents may opt to defer the date on which their child is admitted to the school until later in the school year, or until the child reaches compulsory school age.  Where entry is deferred, the school will hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. Where parents choose to defer entry, the school will ordinarily expect the child would enter at the beginning of a new school term/half term.  Entry cannot be deferred beyond the beginning of the term immediately following the child’s fifth birthday, or beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted.


Part-time option
The Governing Body believes that it is preferable that those children reaching 5 before 30th April should attend full time from the previous September.

However, for those children reaching 5 between 1st May and 31st August the Governing Body will offer a part time option of 21 hours per week for the first half of the previous Autumn term, which equates to five mornings per week plus lunch, moving to full time from the second half of the Autumn term.

The options set out above do not affect the parents’ statutory right to take up a full time place for their child from September.


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