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Little Hallingbury


13th October 2023






Scarlett for having a great attitude in Maths. Scarlett has challenged herself well and has made

great progress when adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s to a given number.

Well done.

Dylan for always having such a positive attitude towards school life and giving each lesson his very best.

Kitty for a brilliant effort in her whole class discussion about The Egyptian Cinderella. Also, for showing great determination with her writing and for producing a wonderful plan.

Grace for a brilliant effort when writing informal sentences for her diary. Grace worked really hard to vary her sentence structure and included some lovely detail. Well done Grace.

Martha for being so engaged in her Maths lessons with Mrs Roe, completing her activities and demonstrating to others on the Smart board her times tables knowledge. Also, for being brave and reading in French. Well done Martha!






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