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Little Hallingbury


15th December 2023






Alan for a great effort with early morning work, his spellings and reading this week. He was active in all the discussions and showed his interest and focus. Well done!


Ella for having a great attitude in Maths. Ella has challenged herself well and has made

great progress this half term as a result.


Ivy for being always ready for the challenges ahead! She is focused, enthusiastic and is producing beautiful work. I have been particularly impressed by her teaching skills in ART lesson.


Arabella for her effort in learning her lines and preparing for the Carol Service. I am impressed how responsible and determined Arabella is. She has been spotted independently practicing her reading and spellings and has been ready to learn during all adult directed sessions too.


Amelia for a great effort in her work on planning a letter to Father Christmas. Amelia worked

hard on up levelling her vocabulary and carrying her sentences.





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