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Little Hallingbury


1st December 2023






Zack for having a great attitude in Maths. Zack challenged himself well and did particularly

well when working with compliments to 100. Zack has also worked well with his



Alfie for showing such positivity throughout the school days. Alfie has worked really hard in all subjects, particularly in English. He had amazing ideas for his ‘Crazy Creatures’ writing competition.


Violet for a great effort in her mini saga writing. Violet has become skilled at editing her work

against the success criteria. Her effort in spellings this term has been particularly

impressive. Well done!


Noah for having a great attitude in Maths. Noah challenges himself well and is proactive in taking next steps in his learning by responding to advice and comments and doing extra tasks at home. His work on subtraction and finding areas this week has been particularly impressive. Well done!


Oliver for showing a fantastic attitude to learning this week. He has been spotted independently practicing his reading, spellings, times tables and has been ready to learn during all adult directed sessions too. Keep it up Oliver!






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