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Little Hallingbury


Class Songs

The Fifth Candle (in F)

The Fifth Candle (in F#)

The Fifth Candle (in G)

The Fifth Candle (in E)

The Fifth Candle - Basic Sketch in G

A Christmas song by Oak Class (December 2023)

The Fifth Candle (a Christmas song by Oak Class, December 2023)


Verse 1 - Hope


This winter’s night, let me show you a world

Where lights fade and wars rage and nothing is learned.

Yet if you but listen the song will return,

For hope is eternal and still these four candles burn.


Verse 2 - Peace


Thinking of those still at war in the East,

The South, West and North, may this message bring peace.

Yet if you but listen to truth once revealed,

The last shall be first and from struggles we’ll be released.


Come light the fifth candle.

End the sacrifice.

May we be blessed

With love and happiness.

End all our war.

May rich and poor    

Sing with one voice.


Gloria! Alleluia!

Gloria! Alleluia!



Verse 3 - Joy


Help us to see that there’s joy all around

In family, in memories, in our common ground.

And if you but listen the bells they will sound

In joy we’re reminded that even the lost are found.


Verse 4 - Love


This Christmas time show the love in your eyes.

May you be a candle to brighten these skies.

And if you but act then the message survives:

Hope, peace and joy, love’s our gift, let us share its light.


Come light the fifth candle.

End the sacrifice.

May we be blessed with love and happiness.

End all our war

May rich and poor

Sing with one voice.


Gloria! Alleluia!

Gloria! Alleluia!

Gloria! Alleluia!

Gloria! Alleluia!

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