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St Mary's

Hatfield Broad Oak

Wrens – Years 3 and 4

Welcome to Wrens Class


Wrens are taught by Mrs Gillman & Mrs Luxford and assisted by Mrs Stedman, 

Mrs Owen, and Mrs Monk 


Our topic based learning is built around the story; The Great Kapok Tree, by Lynn Cherry.  From here we will learn about climate change write persuasive letters.  Geography lessons are focused on learning about the make up of our globe including the continents, the poles and equator.

Our science is divided between learning about materials for year twos and rocks and soils for year threes.   


Homework is spellings, reading and Mathletics set each Friday
Spelling Tests will be on Fridays.

Please check your home school diary for weekly spellings and results.


On the first day of term we created our Class Charter. We have all agreed to keep this because it will make our class happy and help us to learn.

Here you can see the inside of our classroom, taken on the first day of term.

Topic Overview

This is our finished art work displayed in class. Work from October 2020.

Ancient Egyptian Art. If you look at the classroom picture above you will see these have now been painted.

Autumn term 1 2020


Online support for the maths curriculum. 

We are currently working on addition and subtraction in class.  Work though all of these tasks before choosing anything else.

If you need more or less of a challenge then move up or down year groups.


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