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Little Hallingbury


Active and Passive Lesson 1

LO: to write in the active and passive voices


Success Criteria:


SC1) I identify the subject and predicate;
SC2) I know that a subject is usually a noun, pronoun or noun phrase;
SC3) I identify the verb in a clause;

SC4) I can identify an active verb because it is 'done by' the subject;
SC5) I can identify a passive verb because it is 'done to' the subject.




Task 1 - Practise writing sentences in which you identify the subject and predicate. Vary the length. Record these on the DB Primary forum.
Task 2 - Visit BBC Bitesize for more input and tasks on passive verbs: Take notes and record what you have learned on the DB Primary forum.


Task 1 - Practise writing sentences in which you identify the subject and predicate. Vary the length. Record these on the DB Primary forum. Also identify the word class of the subject. Identify word classes in the predicate.

Task 2 - Construct your own active and passive sentences, labelling them to show why they are active and passive.




1) Watch my teaching video first.


2) Complete the tasks as listed in the video and as listed above under 'differentiation'.


MODG English - Active and Passive Voices Lesson 1

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