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Little Hallingbury


Lime – Year 6

Welcome to Lime Class!

Class Teacher: Mrs. Emma Freeman

LSA: Mrs. Susie Dutton


I am very excited to have the same class this year and watch them take on new challenges and responsibilities in Year 6.  This is a very busy year!


I hope you will find the class pages for Lime useful and informative. It is an opportunity for the class to share their learning and celebrate their successes.


In Lime class, I use DB Primary (Forum) to communicate with the class.  I will post messages for the class, if they need to bring something into school or if we have a special event that week.  Children can also reply and send me messages. 


In Year 6, we will build on the key skills the children have learned in previous years, working collaboratively as well as independently. We will develop our skills through a wide range of engaging, interesting, and fun topics. We will challenge ourselves and push ourselves to achieve at our own pace. Always aiming high!


We will also take on new responsibilities, growing in confidence and independence, and modelling the school’s values.  Our new roles will be House Captain, Sports Captain, Register Monitor, Prayer Leader, Librarian, Play Leader, School Councillor, and Technician.


Our focus is to create a love for learning and reading, so children will have access to a wide range of learning and reading materials. Children will read every day either with the teacher in a guided reading session, with another adult, or independently. It is known that reading helps children to expand their language and to be able to use this in their writing. It also allows their imagination to go on a journey.


In all our subjects, we aim to develop our investigating skills, questioning, reasoning problem-solving, and experimenting with our learning. This I know will be fun!


Children will have PE on Mondays and Swimming on Wednesdays and are asked to wear their PE kit to school.


If you have any questions about Year 6, please contact me via the school office.


Key dates for Y6

Monday 25th to Friday 29th September: Y6 Residential

Friday 6th October:  Y6 parent’s assembly at 2 p.m. to share residential photos and highlights of the trip

Monday 13th to Friday 17th May: SATs week

Monday 8th July: UKS2 play (dress rehearsal)

Tuesday 9th July: UKS2 evening performance

Wednesday 10th July: UKS2 evening performance

Monday 22nd July: Leavers assembly at 2 p.m.

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