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Little Hallingbury


Ancient Greece

Lesson 1) Pre-Learning


LO to identify learning needs


SC1) I record existing knowledge.
SC2) I ask relevant historical questions.
SC3) I explain how I know what I know.
SC4) I suggest ways in which historians can discover information.


Lesson 2) Initial Research


LO to research, referring to evidence

SC1) I seek to answer questions I or others have raised.
SC2) I collect information from more than one source.
SC3) I compare and contrast information.
SC4) I consider how reliable information might be.
SC5) I consider sources, including primary and secondary evidence.


Differentiation by question and source choices.


Lesson 3) Development of General Base Knowledge


SC1) I develop a general awareness of a time period.

SC2) I am familiar with the chronology of a civilisation.

SC3) I start to compare a civilisation to others on a timeline.

SC4) I identify some key cultural features of a civilisation.

SC5) I identify some key technological features of a civilisation.

SC6) I begin to be familiar with key events of a civilisation.


Differentiation by depth and extent of content referred to.

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