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Little Hallingbury


Autumn term

Lime class visited the Chelmsford Museum to support their topic on the Victorians and had an informative day learning about Electrical Engineers, Marconi, and Colonel Crompton. The children tested their own ideas by conducting experiments and building a variety of different circuits. Through these experiments, they explored how Crompton and Marconi used electricity to power motors and generate radio waves that enabled communication without being joined by wires. 

Year 6 celebrated Healthy Eating Day by becoming Sugar Detectives and discovering how much sugar is in drinks. They also had the opportunity to make some healthy Christmas-themed snacks as part of our Healthy Schools commitment. 

Christmas Jumper and dinner 2023

Band of Merrymakers - Gather Round (Yule Log Video)

Year 6 Christmas song - Carol Concert 2023

Lime class used licorice allsorts to help them classify variations in organisms as part of thier science topic on Evolution and Adaptation

Year 6 created a model suspension bridge based on the designs of Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Victorian Peg dolls - As part of our Victorian Era topic children made peg dolls

Teddy Bear's PIcnic - September 2023

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