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History Matters Videos - British History

Ten Minute English and British History #01 - Early Roman Britain and Boudicca's Rebellion

The first episode in Ten Minute English and British History, a 42-part series which covers all of English and British history from 55BC to 2010. This episode covers the Roman Republic's early contact with and later imperial conquest of Britannia.

Ten Minute English and British History #02 - Late Roman Britain

This episode covers Britannia during the late Roman Empire from the reigns of Septimius Severus through the Third Century Crisis all the way to the end of Roman Britain. It focuses on Britannia's role as just another constituent part of the Empire and how it affected Roman politics such as the appointment of Constantine the Great there.

Ten Minute English and British History #03 -The Early Anglo-Saxons and the Mercian Supremacy

This episode covers the aftermath of the Roman withdrawal from Britain, focusing on the lack of sources for the centuries afterward and the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. It begins with the legend of Hengist and Horsa, through the Northumbrian Golden Age all the way to the end of the Mercian supremacy in the wake of Offa's death.

Ten Minute English and British History #04 -Alfred the Great and the Rise of Wessex

This episode follows the end of the Mercian Supremacy and follows the achievements of Alfred the Great of Wessex. Most of the focus is on Alfred's conflict with the Vikings and his reforms at home which were the foundations upon which an England was built.

Ten Minute English and British History #06 - The Birth of England

This episode covers the unification of the Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian kingdoms in Britain during the tenth century. It begins with Edward the Elder's conquests and ends with the assassination of Edward the Martyr. Some consider this to be the birth of an England but since the Anglo-Saxons didn't really think of it like that, it's hard to argue.

Ten Minute English and British History #05 -The Vikings and the Danelaw

This episode covers the beginnings of Viking activity in the British isles and the creation of the Danelaw through to its collapse and the creation of England. It covers the Danes, the Norse and their respective activities which brought great change to Britain. Recommended Reading: James Campbell et al.

Ten Minute English and British History #07 - The Late Anglo-Saxons and King Cnut

This episode covers the reign of Æthelred the Unready and the many problems he faced, most notably the Vikings. The reign of Cnut and his many achievements and his legacy alongside those of his two sons, Harold and Harthacnut are also examined.

Ten Minute English and British History #08 - 1066 and the Norman Conquest

This episode covers the reign of Edward the Confessor including his problematic nobility and close links with Normandy. The main event is of course 1066 and the Norman Conquest, including the attempt by Harold Hardrada and the Norwegians who were defeated at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

Ten Minute English and British History #09 - The Normans and the Anarchy

This episode covers the aftermath of William the Conqueror's death and what his sons got up to. The relationship between England and Normandy takes centre stage as well as how this fits into France's issues at the time.

Ten Minute English and British History #10 - The Angevin Empire and Richard the Lionheart

This episode covers the rise of the House of Anjou/Plantagenet and the birth of what some historians call the Angevin Empire. The episode covers the reigns of two kings, Henry II and Richard I, better known as Richard the Lionheart.

Ten Minute English and British History #11 - King John and the Magna Carta

This episode covers the reign of King John and the problems he had securing the Angevin inheritance and the subsequent issues his baron's posed. These problems culminated in the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 which severely limited the strength of John and his son, Henry III, whose reign was overshadowed by the document.

Ten Minute English and British History #12 - The Conquest of Wales and the Birth of Parliament

This episode covers the conflicts between England and Wales throughout the reigns of Henry III and Edward I which culminated in the latter's victory. It covers the political and social makeup of medieval Wales, particularly Gwynedd and stresses the changes that underwent both Wales and England as a result of the conquest.

Ten Minute English and British History #13 - The First Scottish War of Independence.

This episode covers the wake of Alexander III's death and Scotland's search for an heir. This led to Edward I of England's intervention and after his dominance was rejected by the Scottish, Edward sought to conquer instead.

Ten Minute English and British History #14 - Richard II, The Black Death and the Peasants' Revolt

This episode covers the latter half of Edward II's reign and his overthrow on behalf of his son, Edward III. Edward III's reign saw the beginning of the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death and the episode covers how these changed English society.

Ten Minute English and British History #15 - The Hundred Years' War

This episode covers the epic struggle between England and France for the French throne which lasted for over a century. It covers everything from Edward III's victory at Crécy and the Black Prince's triumph at Poitiers all the way to the French victory in 1453.

Ten Minute English and British History #16 - The Wars of the Roses

This episode covers the infamous Wars of the Roses (yes plural) which engulfed England after its failure during the Hundred Years' War. This conflict saw the House of Lancaster and the House of York fight it out for the throne.

Ten Minute English and British History #17 - The Early Tudors: Henry VIII and the Church of England

This episode covers the aftermath of Wars of the Roses through the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII of the Tudor dynasty. It covers Henry VII's attempts to stabilise the kingdom and bring it powerful allies.

Ten Minute English and British History #18 - The Late Tudors: Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada

This episode covers the reigns of Henry VIII's three children, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. It follows Edward's approach to church reform and his untimely death and Mary's attempt to undo this with the help of her husband, King Philip II of Spain.

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