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Lime Class Homework 2022-2023

Archived Homework

Friday 23rd April


Handed Out: Friday 23rd April

Due In: Friday 30th April

Spelling Test: Friday 30th April


We have worked our way through thirteen more of the people on our First Round list in our quest to select a Greatest Briton.


For next week, please can you be familiar with the remaining people on the list. You are not expected to give a presentation next week, but you should have a look at the pages linked to on the list below. I will ask questions in the class to check that the homework has been done - to see that you have at least a basic idea of who the people are (and we can find out more during lessons), so that we can vote some through to the next round. We will go into greater depth in later rounds.




We will complete the individualised spelling test we started on Friday early next week. Your new spellings are as follows:


-able and -ible


1) dependable

2) comfortable

3) understandable

4) enjoyable

5) reasonable

6) reliable


(In –able words, you can usually hear a complete root word.)


7) possible

8) horrible

9) terrible

10) visible

11) incredible

12) sensible


(In –ible words, you can’t usually hear a complete root word.)


These will be the spellings you are tested on next week, unless I have given you a separate spelling list to work on. Look at the explanations in italics to help you choose which ending to use.


Friday 16th April


Lime Class Homework
Handed Out: Friday 16th April
Due In: Thursday 22nd April
Spelling Test: Friday 23rd April


We are nearing the end of the first round of ‘Greatest Britons’ and have started on the second round. Already, seven people are through to the semi-finals.


To help make your mind up about some of the nominations we haven’t yet voted on, please use homework time to research some of the following people. You will be asked to speak for a couple of minutes next week about one or more of these people. You should prepare a presentation as you did previously, though this time you have to choose one or more people from this list. If you choose just one person, you will need to say more about them. What makes them a candidate to be ‘Greatest Briton?’ You don’t have to think that they are the best, just that they deserve to be considered.


Emmeline Pankhurst – Social Reformer

Florence Nightingale – Medicine and Health

Alexander Fleming – Medicine and Health extra link

Edward Jenner – Medicine and Health

Mary Seacole – Medicine and Health

Dr. Sarah Gilbert – Medicine and Health

Aneurin Bevan – Politician*

Margaret Thatcher - Politician*

Dorothy Lawrence - Journalist and Soldier

Walter Tull – Sportsperson and Soldier

Mo Farah – Sportsperson

Paula Radcliffe – Sportsperson

Bobby Moore – Sportsperson

Sir Steve Redgrave – Sportsperson

Lewis Hamilton - Sportsperson

Dame Ellen MacArthur - Sportsperson and Activist

Edward Elgar – Composer

Freddie Mercury – Singer (to go up against his guitarist, Brian May – a child nomination)

Vera Lynn - Singer and Activist

Audrey Hepburn – Actor and Social Activist

Emma Watson - Actor and Activist

Dame Jane Goodall – Scientist

Mary Anning - Scientist

Wilfred Wood – Bishop

Alan Turing – Computer Scientist

Queen Victoria – Monarch

Queen Elizabeth II – Monarch

Queen Elizabeth I – Monarch

King Alfred the Great – Monarch

King Henry VIII – Monarch

Douglas Bader – Pilot

Leonard Cheshire – Pilot and Reformer

Olaudah Equiano – Writer and Social Reformer extra link

Mary Prince – Writer and Social Reformer extra link

Mary Wollstonecraft – Writer and Social Reformer

Elizabeth Fry – Reformer

Helen Sharman - Scientist and Astronaut

Ernest Shackleton – Explorer

James Cook – Explorer

William Blake – Artist and Poet

George and Robert Stephenson – Engineers

Frank Whittle – Engineer

Joseph Bazalgette – Engineer

Horatio Nelson – Naval Commander

J.R.R. Tolkien – Writer

J.K. Rowling – Writer



*A politician from each of the two major parties of the last 100 years have been included for balance. Children are encouraged to look at the positives and negatives of politicians with an open-mind, regardless of their party. Winston Churchill has already been included as a war leader (and a member of the Conservative and Liberal parties). Bevan was a member of the Labour party and has been included as the role of the NHS is very topical. Thatcher has also been added as the first female Prime Minister and was a member of the Conservative Party. 


This is a list of Britons who have already been considered. Please do not choose people from this list: William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Ada Lovelace, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Delia Derbyshire, Gustav Holst, Daniel O’Connell, William Wilberforce, Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, Daley Thompson, John Constable, JMW Turner, Brian May, Boudicca, Winston Churchill, Marcus Rashford, Steven Gerrard, Sir David Attenborough, Princess Diana, Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking, Millie Bobby Brown, Tom Holland.

Friday 19th March, 2021


Lime Class Spellings and Homework

Handed Out: Friday 19th March

Due In: Thursday 25th March

Spelling Test: Friday 26th March


Homework – Greatest Britons


One of our projects at the moment is finding out about the achievements of great characters from Britain past and present. So far, after a series of titanic battles, William Shakespeare, Ada Lovelace, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Michael Faraday, Gustav Holst and Delia Derbyshire have progressed to the second round, defeating Charles Dickens, Sir Tim Berners Lee, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt and, in the upset of the cup so far, Isaac Newton. We still have many more first round matches to come.


Your challenge for homework is to prepare a presentation on someone you feel should be a contender for ‘Greatest Briton’. They can be alive or dead. They need to be well enough known to have influence on or inspire many people. You will be given a two to three minute slot to talk about your chosen person next week. You may read from a script that you write or from memory. It is OK if you choose someone whom others also choose. Anyone chosen will enter the first round at some stage to go alongside the contenders I have lined up for you.




Please review the spelling list given earlier in the year. We will have a ‘reset’ test next week which will cover all of these words but which will take a different format. You will be asked to select the correct spelling from a multiple choice list (there will be one correct spelling for each word alongside one or more incorrect spellings). This will allow us to see where we are with the Key Stage 2 Spelling Lists at this point.

Updated Friday 11th December


The website has been updated while you are present to clarify homework expectations.

The test will be on Monday. IXL work will be checked on Thursday.


1) Please read every day, recording in your home-school book.

2) Please practice your spellings using the list below.
3) Please complete the IXL work detailed below.


From now on, your homework will be assessed by the amount of time spent. If you find the work more challenging, there are alternative tasks to get you going. If you find the work more straightforward, there are extension activities. Each week you should spend a total of at least one hour, with a balance between English and maths. For example, if you spend more time on English one week, please balance this with more time on maths the next. Alternatively, you could work for about thirty minutes on each subject weekly. You do not have to complete sections to try other ones.


House points are awarded for every half hour worked, starting on one hour - this is to reward effort rather than achievement.


You should work at your own pace. You are not expected to do all of this work. It is mapped out for future weeks and to provide a pathway for children who want to take their learning further independently. Some of this work, especially maths, is partly designed to cover areas of the subject that might have been affected by lockdown in Year 5. It is OK if you don't understand and can't do the 'Target' questions. If you want assistance, please go to the tasks in that column.


1) Spend at least half an hour on maths. Start on the first maths section that you haven't yet done. For example, please work through all of the sections on 'Time' (you can do the 'Assistance' work instead of the 'Target' work) before you go on to 'Units of Measurement'.


2) Spend at least half an hour on English. Start on the first English section that you haven't done. For example, please work through all the sections on 'Word Relationship and Usage' before you move on to other sections. You may do the 'Assistance' section instead of the 'Target' section if you choose.


Please work either on your own targets, or on the work given below. If you haven't yet received your targets, you may also work in English on the next Year 6 activity you haven't yet worked on (or a similar task from a younger year group).


  Target Assistance Extension

Maths - Time


Please work on time before other sections in maths.

Please do the next task in section W in Year 6 (time) that you haven't yet done.


Working through sections W.1 to W.10 will take several weeks. You may do some work on X (see below) for variety if you prefer.

Support and practice with time can be found here: 

Year 3, Section Q
Year 4, Section T

Year 5, Section P


If it helps, find tasks in these sections that you can make steady progress with and work on them. It does not matter that these are listed in other school years.

Year 7, section V has work on time which is relevant to Year 6. Please try this if you need harder work.
Maths - Units of Measurement

Please start with X.1, which asks you to choose the most suitable unit of measurement for temperature. There is an element of science in this. Work as far as time allows you to.


Working through sections X.1 to X.13 is expected to take several weeks. You may mix some of this work up with Probability and Statistics (see below) for variety if you choose to.

Year 3, Section S.7 and on

Year 4, Section V

Year 5, Section O


These sections don't cover exactly the same content, but they will be very useful. 

Year 8, Section O

Year 7, Section S (if the above is too tricky)


There is good overlap between the above sections and the Year 6 curriculum.


Year 9, Section L (Only do this section if you have completed other extension tasks and you are interested in a wider range of units of measurement.

Maths - Probability and Statistics Year 6, Section V.1 to V.8 

Year 3 - Z.1 to Z.2

Year 4 - DD.1 to DD.4

Year 5 - Y.1 to Y.6

Year 7 GG.1 to GG.3 and HH.1 to HH.5

Year 8 CC.1 to CC.4

English - Word Relationship and Usage

Year 6, Section M


Please work on any section you haven't yet done.

Year 4 – Section N

Year 5 – Section N

Year 8 Section J

Year 7 Section N (if the above is too tricky)


Year 9, Section J can be explored if you fancy a challenge. There is nothing in it that is incompatible with Year 6 writing, though it will be very challenging.

English - Reference Skills Year 6, Sections L.1 to L.7

Year 3 - U.1 to U.5

Year 4 - M.1 to M.7

Year 5 - M.1 to M.8

Year 9 - I.1 to I.5

Year 8 - I.1 to I.5

Year 7 - L.1 to L.5


Last week we had a review spelling test. This week please learn the following spellings.


Group A spellings: Please learn and practise the seventh group of ten spelling words from List 1 (61-70, library - occasionally).

Group B spellings: Please review and practise the second 35 words of spelling List 1 (experience - occasionally), focusing on the words you find harder to spell. We will review a sample of these again next week.

Group C spellings: Please learn and practise the sixth group of ten spelling words from List 2 (61-70, lightning - opportunity).

Group D spellings: lease review and practise the second 35 words of spelling List 2 (environment - opportunity), focusing on the words you find harder to spell. We will review a sample of these again next week.


All words will eventually be covered by all groups. The pace and manner in which they are learned and practised varies between groups.


You are in Group A if you scored between 0 and 5 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group B if you scored between 6 and 10 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group C if you scored between 11 and 15 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group D if you scored between 16 and 20 on the baseline spelling task we did.


Friday 16th October


1) Please read every day, recording in your home-school book.

2) Please practice your spellings using the list below.
3) Please complete the IXL work detailed below. This week you should divide your time between English and Maths. Please aim to spend approximately one hour on your homework, spread over the week (this is equivalent to less than nine minutes a day, in addition to reading and spelling). House points are awarded for every half hour worked, starting on one hour - this is reward effort rather than achievement.


If you didn't do last week's homework, this will need to be caught up with in your own time. 


  Target Assistance Extension
Maths - Allow at least half and hour. Please do the next task in section W in Year 6 (time) that you haven't yet done.

Support and practice with time can be found here: 

Year 3, Section Q
Year 4, Section T

Year 5, Section P


If it helps, find tasks in these sections that you can make steady progress with and work on them. It does not matter that these are listed in other school years.

Year 7, section V has work on time which is relevant to Year 6. Please try this if you need harder work.
English -Allow at least half and hour.

Please ensure M1, M2, M3 and M4 are completed before moving on (unless you find these hard, in which case complete tasks from the 'assistance section'.


Then work on M5 (describing differences between words) and M6 (positive and negative) depending on how much time you have already spent.


For children who didn't do the work last week, M1 to M4 do not count as part of the half hour, unless you spend more than half an hour on them.

Year 3 – V.2 and V.5

Year 4 – N.1 and N.4

Year 5 – N.1 and N.4

Year 8 J1 and J2 (if you whizz through M1 to M4).


Year 8 J3 and J4 (if you find Year 6 M5 and M6 straightforward).


Although these tasks are placed in the Year 8 section, they are relevant to Year 6 content.


Group A spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 1 (31-40, earth - favourite).

Group B spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of twenty spelling words from List 1 (61-80, library - possession).

Group C spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (31-40, determined - especially).

Group D spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (61-80, lightning - recognise).


All words will eventually be covered by all groups. The pace and manner in which they are learned and practised varies between groups.


You are in Group A if you scored between 0 and 5 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group B if you scored between 6 and 10 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group C if you scored between 11 and 15 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group D if you scored between 16 and 20 on the baseline spelling task we did.


We will see how this goes and adjust targets accordingly.

Friday 9th October


1) Please read every day, recording in your home-school book.

2) Please practice your spellings using the list below.
3) Please complete the IXL work detailed in the attached homework sheet. This week you should work on English


Group A spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 1 (21-30, circle - early).

Group B spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of twenty spelling words from List 1 (41-60, February - length).

Group C spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (21-30, competition - desperate).

Group D spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (41-60, exaggerate - leisure).


All words will eventually be covered by all groups. The pace and manner in which they are learned and practised varies between groups.


You are in Group A if you scored between 0 and 5 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group B if you scored between 6 and 10 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group C if you scored between 11 and 15 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group D if you scored between 16 and 20 on the baseline spelling task we did.


We will see how this goes and adjust targets accordingly.

Friday 2nd October


1) Please read every day, recording in your home-school book.

2) Please practice your spellings using the list below.
3) Please complete the IXL work detailed in the attached homework sheet. 


Group A spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 1 (11-20, breath - certain).

Group B spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of twenty spelling words from List 1 (21-40, circle - favourite).

Group C spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (11-20, available- community).

Group D spellings: Please learn and practise the second group of ten spelling words from List 2 (21-40, competition - especially).


All words will eventually be covered by all groups. The pace and manner in which they are learned and practised varies between groups.


You are in Group A if you scored between 0 and 5 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group B if you scored between 6 and 10 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group C if you scored between 11 and 15 on the baseline spelling task we did.

You are in Group D if you scored between 16 and 20 on the baseline spelling task we did.


We will see how this goes and adjust targets accordingly.

Friday 25th September


1) Please read every day, recording in your home-school book.

2) Please practice your spellings using the list below. 


If you scored between 0 and 5 on the spelling task we did today, please work on the first ten spellings of List 1.

If you scored between 6 and 10 on the spelling task we did today, please work on the first twenty spellings of List 1.

If you scored between 11 and 15 on the spelling task we did today, please work on the first ten spellings of List 2.

If you scored between 16 and 20on the spelling task we did today, please work on the first twenty spellings of List 2.


We will see how this goes and adjust targets accordingly.

Homework and Spellings Autumn 2020

Lime Class Homework

Handed out: Friday 6th March

Due in: -

Spelling test: Friday 13th March




Because I was away for the first seven days of this half-term, this week’s homework will be devoted only to spellings, to allow us to keep to the schedule given out before half term.


Therefore next Friday, there will be the test for Friday 13th March (see below) as well as the test that would have taken place today (Friday 6th March). Please be ready for both of these. There will be no other homework in order to give you more time to prepare for these.


Spelling Information – as given out before half term


Spelling List 1 is the standard list.

Spelling List 2 is the alternative list.


We have now almost completed the first run through the standard list of spellings and will start to review these. These spellings represent the expectation for upper key stage two (Year 5 and 6); by the end of Year 6, most children should be able to spell most of the words correctly. After half-term, we will start to test the spellings in a different way.


For quite a few of you, there needs to be an improvement in weekly performance. Remember that you have individual targets and these are based on what you yourself achieved in an assessment at the beginning of the year. If you are not reaching these targets, you will be retested using our usual type of testing. You will be set ten words per week and will be expected to score highly on this test. In addition, you will take part in the multiple-choice tests in order get practice in. If you are reaching your targets, you will be given multiple-choice tests based on more than just twenty of the words. Therefore you should revise the words you find harder from a longer list. Please see the attached list to know when you will be tested on each set of spellings. If you are unsure whether you are achieving your targets, please check with me.


For children whose targets are based on the alternative list, please continue to practice the next set of words. A list of when each set of words will be tested is given below.






Schedule for Spelling Tests



Standard Test – if you are achieving your target

Standard Test – if you are not yet achieving your target

Alternative Test – if you are achieving your target

Alternative Test – if you are not yet achieving your target

28th February

101 to 103 vegetable to yacht


Multiple choice for 1 to 34

101 to 103 vegetable to yacht and

1 to 10 accommodation to attached


Multiple choice for 1 to 34*

82 to 93

probably to special

82 to 93

probably to special

6th March

Multiple choice for 35 to 68

11 to 20

available to community


Multiple choice for 35 to 68*

94 to 104

straight to weight

94 to 104

straight to weight

13th March

Multiple choice for 69 to 103

21 to 30

competition to desperate


Multiple choice for 69 to 103*

Multiple choice for 1 to 26

1 to 13

accident to business


Multiple choice for 1 to 26*

20th March

Multiple choice for 1 to 52

31 to 40

determined to especially


Multiple choice for 1 to 52*

Multiple choice for 27 to 52

14 to 26

calendar to difficult


Multiple choice for 27 to 52*

27th March

Multiple choice for 53 to 103

41 to 50

exaggerate to guarantee

and Multiple choice for 53 to 103*

Multiple choice for 53 to 78

27 to 39

disappear to February


Multiple choice for 53 to 78*

24th April

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

51 to 60

harass to leisure


Multiple choice for 1 to 34

Multiple choice for 79 to 104

40 to 52

forward to increase


Multiple choice for 79 to 104*

1st May

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

61 to 70

lightning to opportunity


Multiple choice for 35 to 68

Multiple choice for 1 to 52

53 to 65

important to naughty

Multiple choice for 1 to 52*

7th May

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

71 to 80

parliament to recognise


Multiple choice for 69 to 103

Multiple choice for 53 to 104

66 to 78

notice to possession


Multiple choice for 53 to 104*

15th May

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

81 to 90

recommend to sincerely


Multiple choice for 1 to 52

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

79 to 91

possible to sentence


Multiple choice for 1 to 52

22nd May

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

91 to 103

soldier to yacht

and Multiple choice for 53 to 103

Review work depending on attainment on previous tests.

92 to 104

separate to weight


Multiple choice for 53 to 104

Please note

* = Whether or not you are given a retest will be based on your score on the 10 set words. With only 10 words to learn – words already practised this year – you should score highly on these tests. The additional multiple choice test will be to give you practice and chart progress.














 Lime Class Spelling List 1 (Upper Key Stage 2 words for learning and revision)



  1. accommodate
  2. accompany
  3. according
  4. achieve
  5. aggressive
  6. amateur
  7. ancient
  8. apparent
  9. appreciate
  10. attached
  11. available
  12. average
  13. awkward
  14. bargain
  15. bruise
  16. category
  17. cemetery
  18. committee
  19. communicate
  20. community
  21. competition
  22. conscience
  23. conscious
  24. controversy
  25. convenience
  26. correspond
  27. criticise (critic + ise)
  28. curiosity
  29. definite
  30. desperate
  31. determined
  32. develop
  33. dictionary
  34. disastrous
  35. embarrass
  36. environment
  37. equip
  38. equipped
  39. equipment
  40. especially
  41. exaggerate
  42. excellent
  43. existence
  44. explanation
  45. familiar
  46. foreign
  47. forty
  48. frequently
  49. government
  50. guarantee
  51. harass
  52. hindrance
  53. identity
  54. immediate
  55. immediately
  56. individual
  57. interfere
  58. interrupt
  59. language
  60. leisure
  61. lightning
  62. marvellous
  63. mischievous
  64. muscle
  65. necessary
  66. neighbour
  67. nuisance
  68. occupy
  69. occur
  70. opportunity
  71. parliament
  72. persuade
  73. physical
  74. prejudice
  75. privilege
  76. profession
  77. programme
  78. pronunciation
  79. queue
  80. recognise
  81. recommend
  82. relevant
  83. restaurant
  84. rhyme
  85. rhythm
  86. sacrifice
  87. secretary
  88. shoulder
  89. signature
  90. sincerely
  91. soldier
  92. stomach
  93. sufficient
  94. suggest
  95. symbol
  96. system
  97. temperature
  98. thorough
  99. twelfth
  100. variety
  101. vegetable
  102. vehicle
  103. yacht



Lime Class Spelling List 2 – alternative list


  1. accident  
  2. actual  
  3. address
  4. answer  
  5. appear  
  6. arrive
  7. believe
  8. bicycle
  9. breath
  10. breathe
  11. build
  12. busy
  13. business
  14. calendar
  15. caught
  16. centre
  17. century
  18. certain
  19. circle
  20. complete
  21. consider
  22. continue
  23. decide
  24. describe
  25. different
  26. difficult
  27. disappear
  28. early
  29. earth
  30. eight
  31. eighth
  32. enough
  33. exercise
  34. experience
  35. experiment
  36. extreme
  37. famous
  38. favourite
  39. February
  40. forward
  41. forwards
  42. fruit
  43. grammar
  44. group
  45. guard
  46. guide
  47. heard
  48. heart
  49. height
  50. history
  51. imagine
  52. increase
  53. important
  54. interest
  55. island
  56. knowledge
  57. learn
  58. length
  59. library
  60. material
  61. medicine
  62. mention
  63. minute
  64. natural
  65. naughty
  66. notice
  67. occasion
  68. occasionally
  69. often
  70. opposite
  71. ordinary
  72. particular
  73. peculiar
  74. perhaps
  75. popular
  76. position
  77. possess
  78. possession
  79. possible
  80. potatoes
  81. pressure
  82. probably
  83. promise
  84. purpose
  85. quarter
  86. question
  87. recent
  88. regular
  89. reign
  90. remember
  91. sentence
  92. separate
  93. special
  94. straight
  95. strange
  96. strength
  97. suppose
  98. surprise
  99. therefore
  100. though / although
  101. thought
  102. through
  103. various
  104. weight




Homework 2019-20


Friday 6th September 2019


There is no written homework this week. We will have our first spelling test next week but this will be based on words the children will not prepare for me (to allow me to set targets). 


Children should be reading daily. When our home-school record books arrive, these will provide a space to record reading.


For anyone who wants to go that 'extra mile', our focus this term is on the natural world, especially British plants and animals. Finding out the names of local trees, birds, flowers and other animals and learning to identify them will be a good way to explore this topic away from school


Spelling Lists and Tasks

Visitors 1 1 7 8 1 2