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Little Hallingbury


Lesson Seven - Summarising



This is not yet a complete lesson with a video lesson attached. It has been made available as it is - with the task described - so that anyone who has finished all the previous work can get started with it.


Please DO NOT do this lesson UNTIL you have a fully drafted and self-evaluated piece of writing for lesson six (the prequel to The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse).



LO: to summarise a narrative


Success Criteria:


SC1) I select key points;

SC2) I describe events in order;

SC3) I give an overview of characters;

SC4) I write concisely and precisely.










1) Watch my teaching video first (when available).


2) Watch through all the videos for The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (or use the online book for any sections not yet in video form).


3) Write a summary, explaining what happens in the book in chronological order. Include important detail but don't add too much description. Your aim is to cover everything without extra detail. Make sure you 'read' the pictures as well as the text.

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