Lesson Two - Background to Hinduism
NB - All resources will be available on this page (please scroll down).
L.O. to discuss beliefs in context
Success Criteria:
SC1) I recall a range of facts about Hindu beliefs and practices;
SC2) I give context for Hinduism, including its age;
SC3) I describe Hindu attitudes and beliefs about God and worship;
SC4) I know what a mandir is and what murtis are;
SC5) I explain why many Hindus are vegetarian.
Tricky: Complete the tasks.
Trickier and Trickiest: While describing Hindu beliefs, make comparisons with Christianity (and/or other faiths). How are they similar and how are they different.
Task 1) Watch my video lesson. Take notes and present what you have learned about Hinduism. While you write facts about Hinduism down, also say how you think Hindu beliefs help Hindus try to live their lives in a positive way.
Task 2) Watch the two BBC videos about Hinduism, focusing mostly on the second one (see below).
Task 3) Write in more depth about Hindu beliefs in God based on the second video. How do Hindus worship?
MODG RE - Hinduism - Lesson 2 - Background to Hinduism

Hinduism - Introduction (BBC)

Hinduism - Worship and Temples (BBC)