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Little Hallingbury


Message from Mrs Horsley

Dear parents


In maths for the Autumn term I plan to cover:

  • Place value - partitioning, ordering, comparing and estimating with numbers to 1,000
  • Add/subtract - number bonds, +/- 1, 10, 100, spot patterns, +/- 2 and 3 digit numbers and use inverse and estimating skills
  • times/divide - use arrays, use multiples of 2,5 and 10, sharing and grouping, learn the 3,4 and 8 times tables and their related division facts


In English we will continue to work on our spellings of the statutory words and spelling patterns 

We will also be developing our descriptive writing through the use of a short film Tadeo Jones who visits an Egyptian tomb. We will be covering the use of fronted adverbials, personification and the use of similes and metaphors  to enhance our descriptions of an Egyptian tomb. We will also be writing a diary entry as Tadeo focusing on first person point of view, the use of more complex conjunctions as well as the inclusion of thoughts and feelings.

To complete the topic of Egyptians we will also look at performance poetry about a 'Mummy' focusing on expression and body language.

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