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Little Hallingbury


Sycamore – Year 3 & Year 4

Welcome to Sycamore Class


Years 3 and 4


Class Teacher (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays):  Mr Oliver-Dean

Class Teacher (Thursdays, Fridays): Mrs Horsley

LSA: Mrs Roe

LSA: Mrs Warwick 


Homework expectations, details and news can be found above.


Welcome back to Sycamore for an exciting summer term. We look forward to new learning and time spent together as a class. After my first fifteen days teaching the class, I (Mr Oliver-Dean) have been made to feel very welcome and I am really looking forward to what we can achieve together, alongside Mrs Horsley, Mrs Roe and Mrs Warwick.


Both Mrs Horsley and I will continue to teach Maths and English. In Maths, I will start with decimals and then money. In English, I will focus on writing composition whereas Mrs Horsley will focus on reading, spellings and grammar. I will start by using the wordless book, 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. 


The following lessons will be taught by each of us.

Mr. Oliver-Dean: Maths, English, Science, D&T, Music, Computing, French

Mrs Horsley: Maths, English, RE, History, Geography, PSHE


PE lessons will continue on Mondays with KAS. From the second week, please wear your PE kits in on Wednesdays as well. The rugby coaching sessions have finished but we will include PE-based activities on Wednesdays as well as the Daily Mile at various times.


Please note that the targets for IXL (Maths) homework from last half-term are now expectations after trialling it with the class. Children in Year 3 are expected to spend 20 'active minutes' working on IXL Maths outside of lesson time per week. For Year 4 children, the expectation is 30 'active minutes'. This is measured from Thursday to Thursday. Less time spend than these expectations will be made up at school. IXL is a very useful and flexible tool that has a measurable positive impact on children's progress and learning in maths. It is used in class as well. Thank you.


Thank you,

Mr Oliver-Dean





Previous message (Spring Term 2)


Welcome back everyone to the second half of Spring Term 2024. There have been some changes over half-term, but we are sure we will all settle quickly into the swing of things.


We send our love and best wishes to Mrs Gabenyte as she embarks on the wonderful adventure of motherhood. We are grateful for everything she has done for Sycamore, leaving the class in a great position to move forward. Mrs Horsley and I (Mr Oliver-Dean), alongside Mrs Roe and Mrs Warwick, will share teaching of the class for the rest of the school year. I will be teaching on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with Mrs Horsley in on Thursdays and Fridays. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all better, having had the pleasure of teaching music in Sycamore previously.


Mr Oliver-Dean   








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