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Little Hallingbury


Sycamore – Year 3 & Year 4

Welcome to Sycamore Class 2024-2025


Years 3 and 4


Class Teacher (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays):  Mr Oliver-Dean

Class Teacher (Thursdays, Fridays): Miss White

LSAs: Mrs Warwick, Miss Fletcher, Mrs Sullivan, Mrs Gilbey


Homework expectations, details and news will be added above.


Welcome back to Sycamore for an exciting new schoool year. I am delighted to be joined by Miss White, Mrs Warwick, Miss Fletcher, Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Gilbey, teaching Year 4 and Year 3. We look forward to new learning and time spent together as a class. Information about the new year will be added here in the near future.


The following lessons will be taught by each of us.

Mr. Oliver-Dean: Maths (Number), English (Composition/Writing), Science, D&T, Computing, French, PE

Mrs Horsley: Maths, English (Comprehension, SPaG), RE, Humanities, PSHE, Music


PE lessons will be on Mondays with KAS and on Tuesdays with Mr Oliver-Dean. There will be a rugby club available at lunch times on Thursdays. More details about this will come home soon. Please wear PE kits into school on days when PE or the lunch time rugby club take place.


Thank you,

Mr Oliver-Dean, September 2024









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