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Little Hallingbury


Mrs Horsley's information

Dear Parents


Your child will be coming home with a copy of their recent spelling assessment (the highlighted words are the ones that they didn’t know and need to learn). The expectation is that at the end of Year 4, the children will be able to spell all the words from the Year 3/4 list. Please note that not all children are on the Year 3/4 list so it would be good to move them onto this soon. Spelling carries quite a weighting on their writing marks and assessments so it would be helpful if you could support your child with learning their spellings at home. I will continue to give the children time each morning to practise their spellings too.

Spelling tests

Starting from next week, the children each week will come home with a list of spellings that are individually tailored. Their spelling list will comprise of 5 statutory spellings that they don’t yet know (taken from their spelling assessment) as well as a group of spellings from the weekly spelling pattern that they are learning in class. There will be a maximum of 10 spellings a week and the expectation is that they learn these spellings at home as well as in school. Spelling assessments for the statutory words are carried out every half term and you will be kept informed of your child’s progress.

Please do come and see me if you have any queries.

Many thanks

Mrs Horsley

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