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Safer Internet Day 2021

Get involved in Safer Internet Day 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 Assembly Key Stage 2

Safer Internet Day 2021: All the adverts

Safer Internet Day - BBC Own It

Please visit the link above for a wide range of resources and activities on the BBC Own It page (related to the Own It app). Can you spot the real and fake news? Can you spot the truths or lies about Dani Harmer, Joe Tasker, Rio Fredrika or Rhys Stephenson among others? Read the poems and maybe try to write one yourself.

Safer Internet Day - BBC Live Lesson

Please click on the link above to visit the BBC's live lesson.

Safer Internet Day Quiz - An Internet We Trust


Play the quiz online by clicking on the link above.

If you have difficulties playing it online, there is a PDF version below.

Safer Internet Day Quiz PDF

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