Shang Dynasty Lesson 1
LO: to summarise features of an ancient civilisation
Success Criteria:
SC1: I describe the Shang Dynasty in general terms;
SC2: I know where the Shang Dynasty developed;
SC3: I know when the Shang Dynasty occurred;
SC4: I recall facts about daily life, religion and warfare;
SC5: I ask questions about how we know about the past (evidence).
Tricky: Summarise the information about the Shang Dynasty, presenting this how you choose.
Trickier: Additionally, speculate about what life would have been like in the Shang Dynasty, giving evidence for your ideas.
Trickier: Additionally, make comparisons between features of the Shang Dynasty and other civilisations that I know about.
1) Watch my teaching introduction video. You might also want to use the BBC Bitesize site, where some of the videos I refer to come from..
2) Take notes from the videos (including my teaching video).
2) Describe the Shang Dynasty following the suggestions for differentiation above.
MODG History - The Shang Dynasty - Lesson 1 - Introduction