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Little Hallingbury


Starting Secondary School Task 1

L.O. to identify aspects of the transition from primary to secondary school


Please visit the BBC Daily Lesson site, where you will find 'Starting Secondary School'.


1) Use the Learn section to watch the two videos. The first is a three minute video following 'Alfie' in Year 7 on a typical day at his High School. he second brings you tips about finding your way around a much biggers school than LHS.


2) Use the Practise section to do the following activity. I encourage you to record your answers and thoughts on this forum because it gives you a chance to share your ideas, thoughts and questions with each other and to support each other. However, you are welcome to record your response in your own way.


Think about some of the tips you have learnt from watching the video clips.


Make a checklist of things they think you would need for a school day.


Think about and plan the things you might need to get ahead of starting at a new school. This could include stationery, a planner, a calculator etc.


Think about and write down the tips you learnt about how to find their way around a new school.


If you want to give other tips and ask other questions, feel free to do so here.

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