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Little Hallingbury


Task 1 - WWII Chronology

L.O. to put events in chronological order


SC1) I identify which events came before and after each other.

SC2) I communicate the order or events, choosing a way to show chronological order.

SC3) I begin to refer to key historical skills, including evidence.

SC4) I being to refer to key historical skills, including cause.

SC5) I being to refer to key historical skills, including change.

SC6) I being to refer to key historical skills, including significance.


Task 1a)


Please view the five videos linked to from the WWII page on the Lime Class website. Take notes on these and share them with me, either by writing them in the DB Primary forum or by scanning or photographing hand-written work.


At the moment, you do not need to create anything more than notes. However, you will be doing more soon, so when you make your notes, please think about these things:



Record the key events of the Second World War from Britain's point of view, as shown in the videos. What happened? When did they happen? How do we know about them?



In addition to Tricky, start to consider and evaluate how life changed for people at the start of the Second World War. How did it impact on them? What differences were there? What were the challenges?



In addition to Trickier, try to draw some parallels (similarities) between the situation during the war and the situation now. There are plenty of differences as well.

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