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Little Hallingbury


Task 2

Task 2


L.O. to summarise a text


SC1) I identify the key facts in a text.
SC2) I choose what information to omit (leave out).
SC3) I condense (shorten) information from a single paragraph into two or three sentences, or fewer.

SC4) I vary the sentence length and style of my writing.




Please retell the short biography of Anne Frank. Include the most important information. Aim to write a couple of sentences for each paragraph (more might be required sometimes). Include the key information but make sure your text is shorter. This is a task that involves selecting what matters the most and retelling information in a different way - the facts you use will be the same.




As for Tricky.




As you write, develop a theme. There should be some point that you wish to make as a biographer that comes up throughout your summary. Perhaps this could be Anne's sense of mischief or adventure. Perhaps it will be the fact that she had so much to put up with - as did many victims of the Holocaust - and that we are fortunate to have her first hand account. Perhaps it will be how much family meant to her.

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