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Little Hallingbury


Task 3 - The Blitz

Task 3


L.O. to evaluate evidence and impact


A video about the Blitz can be found here.


Describe and explain what happened in The Blitz, referring to these key ideas that a historian uses:



When did the Blitz take place? What happened? How do we know about The Blitz? What type of evidence do historians use to learn about the events of the time? Trickier/Trickiest: Evaluate the quality of evidence. What evidence is more reliable? Why?



How were people’s lives changed and affected by The Blitz? What was it like to live through that time? Would it have been different for different groups of people? If so, how? Tricky/Trickiest: Imagine you were living at the time (you may choose what your age/job etc. would be). Give your own recount of the experience.



What can you compare The Blitz to? In terms of its impact on history and people’s lives, what comparisons can you make with other times and events – in the past or in the present day? For example, what are the similarities with Covid-19 or with battles and wars fought in Ancient Rome? Tricky/Trickiest: Look for lessons that can be learned from The Blitz and any events you compare it with. As a historian, what do you think the world should have learned from these events?



What was the purpose of The Blitz? What did Nazi Germany hope to achieve?



What happened after The Blitz in the war? What was the consequence of it? How did The Blitz impact on how people led their lives? How did it affect technology? What improvements came around as a consequence of The Blitz? Tricky/Trickiest: Argue the case for The Blitz being beneficial to Britain.



How does The Blitz compare with other significant events in the history of Great Britain? List other times and events that you think had a major impact on Britain (not just from the Second World War)? Tricky/Trickiest: Rank the significance of different points in British history. Justify your choices.

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