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Little Hallingbury


The Fifth Candle

The Fifth Candle - A Christmas Song


Written by Oak Class, December 2023


Merry Christmas! As hoped, the individual versions of our song have been finished in time for Christmas Day.


This is the song we wrote for the carol service this year. There are 14 versions of the song available below. They all have the same chorus, but each one has a different solo singer for the verses. You can find your own version by looking for your name, listed alphabetical by first name. There is only a single solo singer on the verses for each of these songs. Some voices may sound more processed than others. I have gone through each child's voice, a note at a time, to correct pitch. Everyone's voice is in tune after processing. Some voices may have required more editing than others but everyone has been treated equally. 


Two children do not have versions here - in one case, this is because they requested not to be recorded and produced solo, and in the other case the singer was absent when solo recordings took place. Both children's voices feature in the chorus along with all their classmates. Chorus vocals have been 'normalised', meaning they have equal volume, though they have also been panned (so they may sound more to the left or the right).

The Fifth Candle - Alisa.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Anson.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Arthur.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Chloe.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Cian.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Evie.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Kiera.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Kobe.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Monique.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Morgan.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Rufus.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Seren.mp3

The Fifth Candle - Thomas.mp3

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