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Little Hallingbury


Welcome to Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class

A song, written and performed by Oak Class for their assembly for the school and parents in February 2024.

Welcome to Oak Class


Music by Monique, Morgan and Mr Oliver-Dean

Words by Evie, Anson, Monique, Morgan and Mr Oliver-Dean

Performed by Oak Class, 15th February 2024


An Oak tree formed of 16 leaves, the perfect place to be.

We're multi-taskers, hard workers, and just a little cheeky.

We've driven excavators, problem solved with Digory.

We're driven innovators, song creators, you and me.


We're Year 5s and we're always ready for any challenges,

In the Oak Hub, in lesson time, or having our lunches.

This is where we never stop and always enjoy things.

So artists, writers, scientists and engineers, let's sing.


Welcome to Oak Class.

From youthful acorns grow.

The wisdom of our childhood years,

A gift that we shall sow.


We’re dancers, mathematicians, cheer-leaders, dodge ballers.

We’re archers and speed-stackers, that is what they call us.

We’re actors and historians, but we don’t like to boast.

‘Cause after all we’re Oak Class and our friendship matters most.


Welcome to Oak Class.

From youthful acorns grow.

The wisdom of our childhood years,

A gift that we shall sow.


Welcome to Oak Class.

From youthful acorns grow.

The wisdom of our childhood years,

A gift that we shall sow.


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