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Little Hallingbury


Simplifying Fractions - Lesson 2

Simplifying Fractions - Lesson 2


LO: to simplify fractions


Success Criteria:


SC1: I know what a factor is and I don't mix factors up with multiples;

SC2: I list factors and look to find common factors;

SC3: I find the highest common factor;

SC4: I divide the numerator and denominator by the highest common factor.




Tricky: Work on this lesson.

Trickier: Work on this lesson but consider whether you can continue with the other lessons in the sequence.

Trickiest: Don't work on this lesson. Continue with the lesson sequence.




1) Watch my teaching introduction video. Pause the video when required.

2) Work on the tasks provided.

3) Mark your work as you go.

4) Use me as your teacher to help you understand questions and learning you find harder.

MODG Maths - Simplifying Fractions - Lesson 2 - Self Assessment

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MODG Maths - Simplifying Fractions - Lesson 2

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