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Little Hallingbury


Task 3

Task 3a

Question 12) What does the text suggest had happened to the Robinsons’ house? Trickier: Describe what you think the scene might have looked like in greater depth. Trickiest: Go into some depth, considering what Mum and Lenny might be thinking. What conversation might they have had after this happened?

Task 3b

Question 13) Read the seventh page beginning “Soon, suitcase packed”. What is happening to Lenny?


Question 14) How does the author make use of the senses to help the reader to understand how Lenny was feeling?  


Question 15) Why was mum ‘nearly crying’?


Trickier and Trickiest - Additional Tasks:


A) How does the author make use of the senses to help the reader to understand how Lenny was feeling?


B) Can you find any examples of where the author has used personification in the first part of this story?


C) How is the Lion, on the medal, such a contrast in character to the unicorn? Use the text to support your answers.


D) How does the author display feelings of fear and danger in this text? Use the text to support your answers.

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